Source Code

Cactus Fisting

Cactus Fisting is the act of using prickly pear cacti to shove up your enemies asses.

The next time we're in Wyoming we're gonna be cactus fisting Cheney.

by Jacques Asse June 11, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr.Slippery Fist


1. A mythilogical hero who is known for his slippery fist. It is not known if this fist is in reality covered in a slippery substance or if he is simply agile and is able to "slip" through your defences.

2. What you can affectionately call your fist (if it is lubricated) as it is about to penetrate your victim's orfice.

Rodion: "It is a know fact the Mr.Slippery Fist led a hard childhood. However, after he visited the cave and defeated the demon, he realized that he could do anything he wanted to do, and thus became a great hero of his time."

Joe: "Very intresting..."

Rodion discreetly dips his fist into a jar of vasaline...

Rodion (whispers to his fist): "It's time Mr. Slippery Fist...it is time..."

Rodion (yells): "MR SLIPPERY FIST...ENGAGE!!!"

Joe: "Oh shit...!"

Alternate Ending


Joe: "Oh shit...!"

by Argonak April 11, 2008

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Fist Pumps

When two straight men bend over the pong table and their other straight friend comes over and rams his fists up their assholes using a quick athletic motion.

Hey Rob I really don't feel like going out tonight looking for girls, lets just stay in the dorm, i'll drink my margarita mix, you can dip, and alejandro will give us fist pumps.

by Byla November 5, 2009

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Monkey Fist

When a man defecates in his hand, then squeezes it so that the feces leaks out from between the fingers, and thrusts it into the vagina or ass of his partner.

Bill: Hey, John, have you met my new girlfriend?
John: I hate to tell you this, dude, but I used to totally monkey fist her.
Bill: That's disgusting. And kinky.

by E. Barrett March 8, 2008

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waffle fist

a hand brace worn to heal drunken accidents. looks like a big plastic waffle. gives the user special powers of alcohol consumption.

wes cullinane has one after a drunken mistake, and has to wear it for the rest of his life cause he fucked up his habd again.

by StiZOne April 10, 2003

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Rocket Fist

When a person has a boner that looks like and or feels like a erection that is strong and or going to burst. One could even use said erection to poke many things.

Jim: Hey man how did you and sarah work out last night.

Bob:dude I got a "Rocket Fist" and she saw. She couldn't stop looking.

by Some FN Guy December 27, 2010

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piss fist

Usually after looking away from the urinal, pee leaks onto or in the hand holding or supporting the male reproductive organ, thus creating a fist full of piss.

"Todd didn't wash his hands even though he had the biggest piss fist i ever saw!"

by Zach Wagner February 7, 2009

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