Source Code

"back blast area all clear!!!"

What a motivated Marine yells moments before he blasts his girl with a hot splash of man goo to ensure no collateral damage

"I wasn't sure if anyone was standing behind me so I yelled "back blast area all clear!!!" right before I came all over that sluts face"

by AstrosFan4Life March 9, 2009

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oil city area high school

A place you never want to go. You are a supposive young adult there. When you get in trouble for something that you didn't even do you get locked in a small ass room that gets to a fucking 100 degrees fahrenheit. Sometimes half the shit you get in trouble doesn't even make any fucking sense. For example if you just are asking some lady if she is going to become a school shooter you will get in trouble. I wonder if the principal is a pedophile since the girls who look attractive and look good get away with just about every fucking thing.Even if they did something and need to be disciplined they still don't .Evidence.

To sum it all up if you want a better education and your attending oil city area high school, then get the fuck out and run while you have the fucking chance. If you don't attend this school and plan to don't. Trust me youll be better in the long.

by One little hellian November 13, 2017

Oil City Area High School

A big piece of turd extruded from the shit flap of andy dick himself. The most popular things to do are shit on the principal's lawn. fuck, drink, get busted, die, & yell at people. Its one big cluster fuck of shit with more shit.

Sam: Have you been to Oil City Area High School?

Phil: yeah, it was a cluster fuck.

Sam: yeah i once chewed my leg off to get out of there

Phil: How the fuck are you still walking?!?!?

Sam:Shit....... * thump * You asshole

by Fifty cal March 9, 2011

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dodgeball corollary to the area code rule

If you are a guy belonging to a dodgeball league in one metropolitan area, you may not substitute on a team in another league in that area that you did not join at the start of the season. The minute you enter a different metro area you in effect become a dodgeball rookie, allowing you to substitute on another team.

We need to crash Boogie's party:) Thanks the the dodgeball corollary to the area code rule, the sub rule shouldn't apply if we leave the county, lol!

by Balls R Us July 20, 2011

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Bay Area private school guy

all attractive private school guys from the bay are actually retarded. but, they could really get it in reality. their main flaw is they are very oblivious to the girls they could pull, when when they realize they can pull girls can become unnecessarily cocky. some are very chill but most of them suckass.

girl 1: I just added the Bay Area private school guy on snap!
girl 2: I have him too, he leaves everyone on delivered for hours
girl 3: Play hard to get, they are soooo cocky

by chickenstew69 June 9, 2020

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Chambersburg Area Senior High School

Chambersburg Area Senior High School, colloquially known as CASHS, is a school located in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Activities are typical. Sports include attempts at football, basketball, and your occasional Woo-Hoo in the bathrooms. The school band and color guard are actually pretty good at what they do. Scholarly pursuits at the school are met with either encourangement or hindrances. Some teachers are good at their jobs and are friendly; others are hated for their reputation of being a hard-ass. The amount of homework and projects you are tasked seems to depend on how the teacher's day is going. As for student life, it is mostly typical, although there's underlying racial tension and a shitload of bullying that the staff just cant seem to notice. You'll come to find that a vast majority of the population is made up of hicks. These hicks are your wannabe-cowboy, flannel-wearin, mullet-sportin, pornstache-showin, Confederate-flag-flyin, big-truck-little-dick-drivin type of rednecks. Their brash and not-so-subtle nature makes them undesirable, but you mostly want to punch them in the face because why not. On the complete opposite end, you have the E-boys and E-girls, who are pretty similar themselves: they all play the same video games and watch the same shows. They usually sport an extremely unnatural hair dye and a desire to shit on Trump's desk. In conclusion, this school is a shithole that should not exist at all, and would be better off as a pile of ashes.

The only thing you'll miss from Chambersburg Area Senior High School is either your dignity, your virginity, or your innocence. It all sucks.

by tHatgUyfRomcBurg April 25, 2020

short term beverage storage area

a container for holding beverages for periods of time between long term storage and consumption

Can you please move some coffee from long term storage into my short term beverage storage area?

by michellenergy November 7, 2010

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