Source Code

Cod Job

The act of playing call of duty and having a lady friend suck your wiener

WOW! That cod job really hit the spot.

by Darb and Shayden December 29, 2011

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cape cod

a slightly-girly drink with vodka and cranberry juice.

my asian girlfriend had one cape cod and she is GONE.

by anokaba August 17, 2006

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cod milk

when u play cod so much that u drool and it looks like milk

ive played cod for soo long that im getting cod milk

by sherperder May 10, 2010

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Being bombarded by achievements and completed challenges while playing Call Of Duty.

I was playing some COD last night and I got a head shot while crouched, I instantly receieved one of the sloppiest COD-BJs of my life.

by Zuc03 November 23, 2010

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cape cod

it’s a cool place until it gets cold, then your fucked unless you’re wearing seventeen layers of clothing.

man, cape cod is so fucking cold at this time of year.

by xthotimusprimex December 30, 2017

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CoD Turkey

Symptoms as a result of rapid withdrawal from online gaming usual due to broken consoles and scratched disks.

Symptoms include cold sweats, headaches and diarrhea.

Guy 1: Why's tony been such a douche all week? He stood me up last night!

Guy 2: His Xbox broke so he's gone CoD turkey!

by Shawman91 June 24, 2011

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Cape Cod

In the summer, could be regarded as one of the awesomest places in the world. The winter is hell, but after the storms, it is very quiet and beautiful. Known for its small-town character and charm. No cobblestone streets to be found here, since they are completely out of place. But there is nothing to do in the winter, since most of the businesses cater only to tourists. Take Provincetown, for example. During the summer, the daytime population swells to nearly 80,000, but in the winter, the entire town is boarded up and not a soul can be found on Commercial Street, the "bustling" main artery of the town. The unemployment is above national average because the only jobs left are those catering to tourists or the likes of the tourist season. But it still is awesome.

dude, cape cod is the shit year round, even though there's nothing to do for most of it.

by excaper December 31, 2011

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