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Nazi cookie

The type of cookie with a swastika iced onto it. It is offered to Jews by very mean people.

Person 1 & 2: Hi, we're your new Jewish neighbours. We just wanted to say hi.
Person 3: Oh, do come in. Want a nazi cookie?

by NaziCookieMonster January 10, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cookie licking

The act of calling "dibs" on something long before you actually intend to do it. For example, announcing that your team will handle project X when in fact you won't even start until sometime next year.

"I just got that email saying you were going to write the backend for the TacoTruck web app? Is that true?"
"Naw, I was just cookie licking, man."

by Fake Steve Yegge August 30, 2013

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Espresso cookie

A character from Cookie Run: Kingdom. He may be a cookie but DAMN he's fine asf!

P1: Espresso cookie is so hot, I want him to step on me.

P2: Dude that's literally a cookie...

P1: I know but still


by a genderfluid toaster August 21, 2021

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Cat's cookies

when somethings is cooler than cool its defiantly the cat's cookies.
When something is better than the cat's pajamas.

That girls dress is the cat's cookies. This party is the cat's cookies. Yo that weed smells like the cat's cookies.

by I'm the cats cookies baby May 21, 2011

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Boy who loses mobiles and cars

Cookie, where's yer motor, ach feck knows, Ill need to phone parks, Shit, where's ma phone?

by Gakattack April 8, 2008

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a young parent's daughter, especially a child who still breastfeeds and is fluent in baby talk.

"My sister's cookie is adorable but I have no idea what she's saying..."

by Rayrine September 1, 2007

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sugar cookie

Navy slang (specifically used by SEALs) to refer to an exercise (aka "evolution") whereby the trainee combines vigorous exercise on the beach with cold surf, alternating between running back and forth between the waves and dry sand, building up a coating of sand against the trainee's shivering skin, much like the superficial crust of sugar on a delicious sugar cookie.

Used more generally to indicate the trainee is about to suffer from cold and exhaustion.

BUDS Instructor: "Hit the surf! Give me some sugar cookies!"

BUDS Class (shivering): "Hooyah!"

by TheDoof January 28, 2017

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