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Jamal Move

The term is defined when you are having sex in a three-way. When another man's testicles touches yours, this is considered a Jamal Move. Jamal Moves are usually done on purpose and claims it to be on accident as the guy is secretly gay.

John: Man, don't be making that Jamal Move on me! That's just absolutely disgusting!
Jamal: Sorry man, my bad! It was an accident!

by Skilled 0ne September 26, 2012

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textbook move

Something so predictable because it happens over and over again.

Hey, did you see what Alex pulled on that chick last night?

Ahh yeah, it's his textbook move

by Thatsit77 March 13, 2015

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move up

When someone beneath try to talk shit

For ex: Nigga #1β€œBro I am πŸ…°οΈπŸ…ΏοΈ I do what I want β€œNigga #2 β€œ Ok but do you have AirPods ok then MOVE UP!!”

by Jazir Fendi January 3, 2019

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bird move

An action performed by an individual that warrants that particular individual to be called a bird.

Defining a word and then NOT using the word in the example.

by prefixed February 8, 2004

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Bustra Move

A reletively unknown indigenous art of wooing the undivided attention of multiple members ( 10 or more) of the opposite sex whilst having absolutely no success in capturing a prize.

Where has Joel gone???? He has gone to Bustra Move!

by the 'ork' July 26, 2004

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D move

A dick move or an action of which you would call the person a dick.

When he stole the girl's wallet, all of his friends said it was such a D move.

by MMKK23 August 27, 2008

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Gank Move

The method used to gank another person or persons.

Ice Cube is always down for a gank move.

When I bump you on the subway and take your wallet at the same time, I have just exercised a "gank move."

by bobbyrocks July 27, 2005

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