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A women who breaks up with a man for purely superficial reasons.

Person 1: My girlfriend just left me because of my dick size
Person 2: What a whore!

by redelman43199 May 13, 2011

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A female (or male) who breaks up with a long time boyfriend (or girlfriend), moves on to another relationship, abruptly ends that and automatically hops on to another male moving from one-night-stand to one-night-stand. Usually this character is hungry for attention and flirts with all males in sight, it does not matter if these males are in relationships or not. (See Selfish Bitch.)

Male 1: Dude, I heard that girl be all over da place brah. I bet I could get me some.

Male 2: Yeah, man. I see her cakin' all the time. IDK dude, I bet she's got tha herp by now.

Male 1: Oh shit, yeah the herp isn't worth it for an ugly WHORE.

by Back Off WHORE February 1, 2010

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A girl who has more than one otp at once

Marjorie: kawoshin is my otp forever, so much feels, and so is ereri!!
Courtney: whore

by goshdidllydarndo November 11, 2013

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Whore, otherwise known as "love" is a term of endearment fellow females use to compliment one another.

Girl, you are such a whore! Come over here and give me a hug.

by Aquamarinequeen February 16, 2015

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Another word/name for punk

So....you just goin let him take yo girl, cuz?! Oh naw! You's a whore bro. Flat out.

by JayDanae'๐Ÿ˜‹ February 4, 2018

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A ginger at Seminole high school who sends buses to a kid and his brother

Emma is a whore

by 6th period art April 8, 2019

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Having sex with everyone but you

I used to think I was a whore... But the I released I was just acting like a man

by The The The January 12, 2015

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