Source Code

oh my goodness gracious

A way of expressing amazement in an annoying way

"Oh my goodness gracious you are one annoying child!"

by Anonymous Katherine February 6, 2018

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oh my ho

commonly used instead of things such as "oh my god" or "oh my gosh"

Girl: Oh my ho! I just got tickets to a *insert band name* concert!

by Rhiaaaaa February 3, 2009

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Oh My Golly Golly Gosh

Extreme surprise, especially when followed by a laugh
Used by Liam Payne

Liam Payne towards Rita Ora when she dressed as Post Malone
*Liam sees Rita*
"Oh..my, golly golly gosh"
oh my golly golly gosh

by liampaynelover October 31, 2018

oh my god the quarterback is toast

Phrase used in Die Hard for a blown up tank
"Oh my god the Quarterback is Toahst!"

"Oh my god the Quarterback is Toahst!"

by ChrisLionheart January 8, 2005

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Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!

(N.) The old South Park catch phrase up until 2002, when they stopped killing Kenny and he came back from the dead through the help of Chef's parents and yet another lame Rob Schnieder movie. ("Rob Schnieder is Kenny")

Oh My God! They Didn't Killed Kenny!
You........, Non-Bastards!

by G-Union October 28, 2003

491๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!

A phrase often used by Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski on the animated TV show South Park. Used when friend Kenny is killed in every episode up to season 5 where he dies permanently. Until he comes back in Red Sleigh Down. The reason the creators no longer massacre Kenny is because they ran out of ideas and decided to just make him a major character. He still dies occasionaly like in "The List"

Stan:Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!
Kyle:You Bastards!

Kyle:Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!
Stan:You Bastards!

Stan:Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!,
oh wait, he's okay

Elf:Holy Crap we just killed that kid.
Stan:Yeah, whatever, what's the secret to corporations.

Stan:Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!
Cartman:Damn Straight.

Kyle:Oh My God! I Killed Kenny!
You Bastard.

by Some Bored ass Canadian Kid September 5, 2008

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oh my lamb chops

A variance of the phrase oh my lanta.

Sara: "You are going to die tomorrow."
Josh: "Oh my lamb chops, no!!"

by JoshTheMusicMan April 15, 2016

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