the net god is the giant net in the gym that you sacrifice other people's items to, such as a book, chair, binder, backpack, etc. a detention was the best achievment you could recieve for a while for sacrificing but now the greatest achievment is suspension. ALL HAIL NET GOD!
billy: dude i just sacrificed to the net god!
bob: nice man! did u get a detention?
billy: yea!
Mr Muschott: >:(
when some on is on the internet talking junk only because they are not face to face with you, miles and miles away!
"Oh I'm a ni99er! O..OK you are really net hard on Halo right now"
"Why these people on Facebook so net hard, I bet they wouldn't say that to my face!"
when you take a picture of someone (or your pet) after they did something bad or wrong, and post it online for others to see and learn from.
after mary was caught eating from the trash, josh took a photo of his dog and the mess, then posted it online net shaming mary for eating from the garbage.
Internet connection that is slower then an Africans brain
This guy has Jordi net, he must be having a LAN-party at Jordi's house while raping his little brother.
When your boy is bumming you so hard that the condom busts when he cums in your booty.
Nate: Andy why is your booty dripping?
Andy: Friggin Max must have spiked it through the net again...
Max: Yes I did buddy! Yes I did.
bkxbybrii Is definitely a net banger
Hey that girl bri is definitely a net banger she’s always trying to fight people online
James Milson biggest net banger ever
James: im gonna murk u at the depot
rachel: do it NO BALLS
*james never shows up cus hes the biggest net banger pussy ass bih*