A tour or trip that seems like a dream come true. Everything on the tour is perfect. The tour experience seems like it came together like a miracle.
That Miracolo Tour was a trip of a lifetime!
A band touring, when suddenly illness kick in.
Itchy concrete eyeballs and razor throat. Clogged nostrils and stiffass neck. Tour aids sets in!
To listen to music and dance while home alone. Usually pretending to be a famous pop star or singer.
Cierra: “ sorry I can’t talk on the phone I’m doing my Madonna world tour”
Me “wow can you send me your setlist when you’re done”
By definition, a Radio Media Tour is a series of back-to-back radio interviews that
allows a spokesperson to be interviewed by multiple radio stations and/or networks within a few hours. A spokesperson interacts directly with radio reporters
and this maximizes on-air time for a spokesperson, typically three to four
minutes per interview. A Radio Media Tour is a PR device used to publicize anything from a new album release to a museum exhibition.
I really liked Victoria Justices' single 'Gold' from summer 2013. However, maybe it would have been more successful if her record company had put more effort into promoting it...such as organizing a big Radio Media Tour. I think Victoria has a nice personality and if the public had heard her discuss the song on a Radio Media Tour maybe it would have had a bigger impact.
Heroin overdose in mommy's basement
What did you do during the weekend my good Sir?
- I was on the 2008 Europe Tour
1👍 1👎
When you fold a girl in half and fuck her in the ass and she watches you conquer the dark cave. All while both of you are wearing a horned Viking helmet, in Norway under the Northern Lights.
Hey babe, wanna be my Norwegian Tour Guide for the night?