Source Code

pirate patch

The REAL true original name for "eyepatch"
As the English language deteriorated over time into various forms of slang, the word "eyepatch" was introduced into society. Thus, incorrectly replacing "pirate patch."

Tina: I really need a pirate patch to wear.

Son" You mean an eye patch?

Tina: Nooo it's really called an pirate patch! Look it up on urban dictionary!

Son: Oh, you're so right, it IS called a pirate patch. I'm so stupid and you're so smart Tina.goshhhh

by ohhhwhatnow October 31, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pirate's Scratch

Occurs during a game of billiards, in which your opponent(s) accidentally hits the cue (white) ball into a pocket. You then proclaim the term "Pirate's Scratch." If delivered repetitively with the proper tone and dialect, your opponent will become extremely aggrivated. The need to know exactly what a "Pirate's Scratch" is will become overwhelming. At this point, you must make a habit of putting the word "Pirate" in front of every pool term. Oh yeah, it doesn't mean anything.

"I'm gonna combo the one to nine in the corner..."

(Cue ball falls into side pocket)

"Arrrrgh. That be a Pirate's Scratch."

by Ted MD October 16, 2006

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music pirate

Someone who steals music. (downloads music without paying for it) Music pirates use various programs, such as limewire, kazaa, and others. These programs are designed to "share" files with other people. They're mostly used to download FREE music.

Person 1: "I just downloaded 50 songs from limewire!"
Person 2: "Wow! You are such a music pirate!"

by vickievickievickie May 18, 2006

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Pirate Rock

Pirate Rock is a genre of rock and roll music developed by the Southern California band Dannicus Live. Pirate rock is a type of celtic music, sea shanties, punk, metal and classic rock all blended together. The term "Pirate Rock" was coined for the band's sound by DJ Ditch of KGB 101.5 in San Diego.

Pirate Rock Lyrics include:

"Come out come out from near and far come out and hear our plea. A bottle of rum and beer by the drum the whiskey will set us free.

Compile our wealth defile ourselves, the future we cannot tell. If we run out of luck and roll in the muck we'll be on our way ta' hell.

You and me and a bottle o' rum we'll burn this tavern down,
Drown our fears till tomorrow dissappears, we'll drink our whiskey down.

by CaptainMeyham August 9, 2009

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pirate shots

pirates shots is technically one long shot, you start with one ounce of 151 rum then immediately follow with an ounce and a half of any 80 proof rum, then immediately follow that with an ounce of coconut rum, then for the chaser you must chug an entire glass over 8 ounces with coconut rum and orange drink, the coconut rum in the this drink must be at least contain 2 ounces. you have to finish all of this within 15 seconds then you are in the pirate club

taking pirate shots with a spotter to prove you are in the pirate club, at a party or anywhere

by Notorious P.A.T. (c.o.b.) January 9, 2010

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Pirate bobbing

The actr of randomly going into peoples houses and eating stuff out of their fridges. Usually done as a means of drunky snacking on the way home from a party. Often done in student corridors where you do not live.

Random Pirate: So Mikeymike, how the hell did you get so shirtfucked last night, it looks like night of the living dead.
Mikeymike: Eh, I think I went pirate bobbing around the student kitchens before I grabbed a runbun home.

by The Snackmaster October 15, 2006

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Pirate hooker

a nautical prostitute with little to no vitamin c who sells sexy time to drunken seamen

Pamela anderson; kira knightly, both examples of pirate hookers

"yarrrrr, i burnt me hook on the pirate hookers scurvy ridden bloomers."


by b to tha ruce December 3, 2006

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