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sticker shock

the pain u experience,when people put a sticker on your skin..and then pull it off...

Ouch!..dont give me a sticker shock

by CryptoGenesis May 28, 2010

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Shock Exchange

The look or reaction one experiences when reviewing one's IRA, or savings stock market statements.

"my god, have you seen what happened to the nest-egg last quarter? "

"Sure, just take a look at the shock exchange today!"

by geoffsf April 7, 2010

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Shock shot

When a horror film quickly jump cuts to a close up, usually paired with a large sound.

I'm pissed that Paramount changed the ending of Paranormal Activity to a shock shot. The internet original wrapped up everything so nicely...no room for them to run the series into the ground.

by OfficeBoi December 14, 2010

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the spock shock

similar to the original shocker
except you put two in the pink
and two in the stink.

"dude that girl is going to live long and prosper, I gave her the spock shock last night. "

by xsamxriverax August 4, 2007

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Block Shock

The feeling of disbelief and confusion when someone finds out that a person who they considered a good friend has blocked them on facebook. During the shock the blocked person trys to figure out why they were blocked, often resulting in a irrational feeling of being a creepy person or a stalker.

" Yo Bills in block shock. That girl Mary, the one he posts five times on her wall everyday, yeah she blocked him"

by BlackPrince11 October 22, 2011

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Falcon Shock

to perform a "shocker" Captain Falcon style.

Girl: "Oh Captin Falcon, give it to me"
Captain Falcon: (wind up) "FALCON SHOCK"

by luminator April 7, 2010

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Shock and Awe

When your AP US teacher gives back your tests and you're in shock because the grade you got is dramatically different from what you thought you got and then you're in awe from what grade you actually received.

Silvio: "I definitely got a 100% on that, hahaha *Looks at test grade* haha.."
Gary L: "What happened?"
Silvio: "Shock and Awe."

by DopeyDumbDumb October 2, 2017

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