"Simple Crunchy" people tend to politically lean right, eat organics and gluten-free, garden, recycle, use natural health and beauty products, and buy environmentally safe cleaning products. They do all without a lot of fuss.
While the Smiths like parts of the crunch lifestyle, they aren't into the drama of all the neo-hippie and hipster scenes. They are simple crunchy and live a fairly normal lifestyle.
Simple juice is a southern Ohio term used fir an inbred back wood's folk that's not a fully non functional mentally challenged person, but a high functional mentally challenged person. These individuals can get state assistance without being institutionalized or hidden in the root cellar.
Damn it boy, why'd you do that? Your momma give you to much simple juice when you were a baby....DUMB ASS.
Simple Josh is a term that is used in an instance when an employee has made it a habit of showing up late. Can be used for anyone.
EX: Simple Sarah, Simple Dave, and so on and so fourth.
"Oh, Josh showed up late again!"
"oohh Simple Josh"
It is said by famous tiktoker @loamfy on every meme of a game called criminal case, if you’re gonna use it credit tiktoker @loamfy
Peter: *shows loamfy a criminal case meme*
Loamfy: canon I work for pretty simple
Girls that will spread legs for you if you take them to a nice eatery. They are often referred to as cheap girls
She’s is one of those “simple girls” ,just take her out and she’ll spread them for you
These girls would do anything for you if you take them to “simple” . They are cheap girls
Someone or something super stupid
RICCO GOLDEN is super simple minded