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Dork Stamp

When someone firing a gun fails to control the recoil and has the scope hit them in the face. Also known as scope eye, scope bite, or eye ring.

"You'll get a dork stamp if you aren't ready for the recoil."

by slickity doo dah March 21, 2023

Clit Stamp

The act of stamping one's clit off of another one's forehead while they are passed out.

Stephanie walked over to Tori and clit stamped that bitch.

by blackguyyy August 7, 2011

Stamp Em!

Stamp Em. Means to go up and beat the hell out of somebody with a ring on leaving a mark, either being a bruise or cut.

"Aye Homie, you see that dude right there?"
"Yeh Dawg, what bout em?"
"That's that fool who stole yo 20. Go up an pull ah "S.C." an (Stamp Em!)"
"Alright Dawg"...

(Runs up to the thief... "Aye MotherF***er!"... hits em dead in the face, cutting the thief's face with the ring on his finger (or bruising the thief's face)

by XDCatNip December 8, 2018

Thot Stamp

A tattoo on or above a woman's breasts usually visible if she's wearing a shirt with a cleavage

Have you seen this thot on snap? Idk what is more distracting in her cleavage, her lucious tits or that thot stamp

by OMGitsDaddyZ January 11, 2019

Nipple stamp

When someone licks your nipple and then you stamp them with it.

Dude, she just nipple stamped you.”

by User17845 September 28, 2018

mamp stamp

A lower back tattoo close to the top of the ass crack, like a tramp stamp, but on a guy.

I don't know what looks worse, that chick's tramp stamp or her boyfriend's mamp stamp.

by JimmyJazz111 January 27, 2014

White stamp

A guy that doesn’t check all the boxes but is a good fallback option to marry if nothing else works out.

How is that new guy Jill is dating?
Oh he’s just a white stamp, he’s pretty boring and not that hot.

by JeremiahD March 23, 2021