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drop sweat

The act of dancing vigorously, wild and relentless or dancing dirty.
Can also be the act of wild sweaty sex.

Yo hottie nice moves, let's drop sweat.

I dropped sweat with Jodie last night, that girl can dance!

We were droppin sweat all night long, Jon has mad endurance in bed.

by northsouth December 16, 2008

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fop sweat

The sweat experienced by a male who insists on wearing a sweater tied around his neck
in 80 plus degree weather ....

Paul broke out in a fop sweat within twenty minutes of arriving at the outdoor summer party
in full preppy dress mode.

by sheila in the car June 10, 2013

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sweat neck

A very annoying person that just wont shut up.

Guy 1: Hey bro are you going to john's cookout? Guy 2: I don't think so because he has been drinking. You know how much of a sweat neck he is when he gets a few in him. Guy:1 Yep. By the end of the night he will have a blister on his tongue from flapping so much.

by jimmybomm June 4, 2020

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poop sweats

when you eat lots of spicey foods, you will end up going to the bathroom and when you try to go poo, it'll be hard so you'll start to sweat from all the pushing.

"All of those hot rods gave me the poop sweats"
"aww! my butt hurts so much from the poop sweats"

by MCJ June 25, 2006

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Meat Sweats

What happens when you eat so much meat that your face gets hot and you start to perspire.

"I went to the Churrascaria and ate so much prime rib that I broke out in the meat sweats"

by Christinerine January 21, 2010

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bean sweat

Excessive perspiration from a clitoris during vigorous sexual intercourse.

Ashley has to take a time out to wipe her bean sweat during sex.

by Takeapicture2 May 23, 2016

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Sweat Spot

This typically occurs whenever your body is touching another person for to long of a period of time. Often occurs while sitting next to an obesse person on a long flight when their body flows over into your personal space.

Dude that flight sucked! I just got off the plane and noticed a sweat spot on my thigh from sitting next to a porker for 3 hours!

by Food on a stick wisdom April 13, 2010

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