Source Code

Among Us

a popular astronaut game no one will shut the f**k their mouths about

Red: why did you call meeting orange?
Orange: I saw Brown kill rose in security
Brown: why didnt you report body orange
Orange: cafeteria was closer
Purple: brown actually has a point
Maroon: makes sense
Banana: orange looks sus to me now
Lime: yea
Green: i think brown is right
Grey: Blue sus cuz he say nothing
Brown: vote orange
Orange was the Impostor. 0 Impostors remain

by RedIsSoSus November 20, 2022

among us

a nightmare

“hey did you hear about **among us?**”

by the man who shits his pants May 24, 2021

Among us

1. A nice game used in many dead memes

2. A sex position probably, like everything else on Urban Dictionary

1. Hey Oliver, wanna play among us after school?

2. Ah I'm edging, time to do the among us

by Kachonga December 21, 2020

Among Us

A party game where you have to lie to your friends to win, made popular though meme culture

Among us reference goes here...

by HeavyWeapons May 17, 2022

among us

A game that was put in the very depths of their grave in 2021. It now can be used if someone is referencing dead memes.

Damn, that guy is like among us

by no (Unithlees) February 11, 2023

among us

shitty ass game only 5 year old mentally retarded kids play. the most unfunniest piece of ''humour'' known to man. this shit is so unfunny i would jump off a fucking cliff just hearing it.

the definition ''sus'' also was made popular by this game, meaning ''suspicious'' as the game is about catching the impostor through suspicion.

Pope: ''God is among us.''
Some retard: ''haha among us sus''

Once a wise man said: "This game is about some space crew trying to repair a ship but there are impostors trying to demolish the plan, isn't this familiar to september 11 2001''

by timmehsouthpark March 17, 2023

Among us

helo dis us impostr from amodus
among us1!?!/! 😱😱😱

yeaz we dank impostr poshin from amogs

omg gibe me hapy meel

teh amugos happi meal coming to maccy deez today r u happy
the new among us drip!!

by amogusrefrence June 7, 2021