Ions that have Ionic bonds are held together by their electrostatic force of attraction.
Is a million dollar company that provides manifestations tools in a box. The company being running since 2019. Have manifesting products for day to day use.
Attraction in a box is a reliable company..
Being very alluring and captivating while you sext someone.
Someone who can keep the conversation flowing, and is very descriptive.
Talk about being sextually attractive; That chick is such a freak. She wrote me a whole novel describing how she would blow me in an elevator.
Bipartite Gender-Attraction Classification is a more nuanced and modern way of classifying a person's self-identified sexual attraction. It has two facets:
Assigned-Sex Attraction
Assigned-Expression Attraction
So for example, people we consider having a typical hetero-attraction would have a) opposite assigned-sex attraction , and b) opposite assigned-expression attraction.
For example, the typical man is attracted sexually to biological women, and feminine gender expression.
My sociology report included a section about Bipartite Gender-Attraction Classification and how human sexuality is nuanced.
AAP for short. Someone with a chronophilia towards adults. This includes teleiophilia (young adults), mesophilia (middle-aged), and gerontophilia (eldery). While Adult Attracted Minors (AAMs) are AAPs, AAPs can be adults too.
I am primarily attracted to 70 year olds, despite being only 20 myself. I am am adult attracted person.
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Hey Ayana, you’re sooooo hot. You are an attractive person.
Not is there is a through-line because all of the different type of men you're attracted to.
Hym "Because then it's just the thing I said and not the thing you said. You don't have to admit you're not selecting on personality so you don't havebto be full of shit and YOUR personality is bipedal, sentient turd you fuck-ass clown. Give it up with your everything is nebulous attraction bullshit or do an actual audit of the people you're actually fuck and all of the confounding variables."