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People who write herp-slurp

The person who added that to the urban dictionary and doesn't realize that herpes can be also transmitted through mouth contact.

People who write herp-slurp and don't know their health facts are dumb.

by Anon305 November 30, 2010

Herp De Derp De Tittly Tum

A phrase originating on South park. It was used to insult Rob Schneider and his various roles. Used to express that there's just no point in explaining how ridiculous his roles are.

Rob Schneider is...Herp de derp de tittly tum.

by Kaira Pepper April 11, 2011

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You couldn't catch herpes in a whorehouse

A more sexually explicit version of, "You couldn't catch a cold", meaning that someone is not good at catching anything.

Wally was so non-athletic, he couldn't catch herpes in a whorehouse.


Being pursued by bad guys: Can't you guys keep up? You couldn't catch herpes in a whorehouse!

by GallopingSausage April 10, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a mixture of 5 sexually transmitted diseases and one rare blue vagina thing found on the internet. Usually obtained from gang bangs in Mexican jail cells and or giant sea turtles.

Jim: Yo Dewd i finally got out of that nasty ass jail cell below the border.
Alberto: FUCk yo that must have sucked did you get swine flu?
Jim: nah but i got raped by 4 guys and now i have s.h.g.c.b.a.
Alberto: wahtt?
Jim: Syphili-herpe-guana-clamida-bluewaffle-aids. pretty common actually.

by Mr.calvin April 22, 2010

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Herpes Is Cancer; The First Juvenile Release: The First Juvenile Release ใ€Šยคใ€‹.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Herpes Is Cancer; The First Juvenile Release: The First Juvenile Release ใ€Šยคใ€‹.

by Maternal-Fetal-Medicine February 11, 2025

herpes slurpee

when your girl been cheating, but youโ€™ll still eat that bitch out

Kyle: You know Jessica sucked me off right?
Jim: Yeah, but Iโ€™ll still give her a herpes slurpee.
Kyle: Poggers.

by imtherealslimshadyyy October 2, 2020

I think herpes

You literally think about "I think herpes"


by D El de ton. April 11, 2020