When some one is so high they look “weak” like they so out of it they can’t move or speak
“Yo what’s wrong with Jacob?”
“He’s weak as fuck man, look at his eyes”
If you are weird or being weird
If your friend is Naruto running down the hall way
You can say your actually weak
Someone that tries to control a population with threats (or through dramatic, fatal examples). Threats of police brutality aren't the only kind of threats. Threats of stricter restrictions, more rules/laws, more enforcement of rules, more pressure, all to win what exactly?
The bubbly girl wanted to keep everyone around her locked down and restricted, so that instead of her being the outsider, they would all be the outsiders with no access to anything. She was weak, but never suffered any of what went with it the way other people suffered for her instead.
Some of you can't even bare the weight of my gaze, yet, here I remain. Standing above all of you under the weight or all of yours.
Hym "Weak is a relative term and is rendered irrelevant by temporality. It only takes a few months to "get strong" and I'll still be stronger than some and weaker than others and it'll be temporary."
Multiple weak people, especially in a competitive multiplayer gaming context.
Those weaks need to get outta here before I mop the floor with them.
Growing up in inner-city Seattle, teenage guys would sometimes use the word "weak" to refer to an action, word, or behavior towards them by another guy that was coming across as selfish, exploiting, dishonest, or friendship betrayal.
Bob and Bill are good friends and classmates in school. When Bob went to Bill's place a few days ago, Bill offered Bob a couple of beers. But when Bill went to Bob's place yesterday, Bob offered Bill only one beer.
Bill: "Only one beer? That's really weak. When you came over, I gave you two."