yejis_.wife._ is so cool, (prefered pronouns) is such a good bestay 🙄
Shortened version for Japanese wife. There are lot of people mentioning their Japanese wife on reddit to have some kind of alibi for whatever they say. So the term j-wife was coined.
Oh look at Joe who thinks he'll live a happy life once he gets his j-wife.
There are a lot of people mentioning their j-wife's on reddit.
Somebody who just wanted the kill (to fuck) and ended up dating the person. Their intentions were just to fuck and go but they felt attached and then wifed them.
"Yo did you here about peter and ashley"
"Their dating now"
"I thought she was just a kill"
"Ew he wife a kill"
A woman you want as your wife someday but because of circumstances you can't be in a relationship so you are willing to settle for being besties until that day comes.
Jennifer is Tom's bestie wife, maybe someday he will upgrade her.
She was, quite literally, a little salty.
What can you say about Lot’s wife? She was from Sodom. A real pillar of her community. She had a good life, though she made some mistakes when she looked back on it. DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way affiliated with the Big G. I don’t know what’s really goin’ on. This is a little shoutout to the Bible literate among you, believers or otherwise. You might even get a little chuckle out of it. Or not, I guess...
Step wife: the second wife of my ex-husband. The step-mom to my kids.
I love my step wife. She is better than the ex-husband!
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