When something epic is happening and it deserve a celebration... Or two, maybe even three
Uncultured Person: Bro I'm hungry
Cultured Person: You should get some waffles!
Uncultured Person: Why waffles?
Cultured Person: Well that's because waffles are versatile, you can have it for breakfast, lunch, teatime, dinner, supper, anytime. This is also called waffle time.
Uncultured Person: Waffle time?
Cultured Person: Heck yea bro. Your gf broke up with you? Waffle time. Things are not going well with your relationship? Waffle time. Your loved ones died in a car crash? Waffle time. Your significant other cheated with a blonde haired foreigner named Chad who is obviously much better than you in everything and wants to break off your engagement which have been ongoing for 2 years? Yup, you guessed it, its waffle time. c: (fuck you karen)
When you throw your poop on another person’s back in the middle of the night, and proceed to stomp on the poop with a boot to make a waffle pattern.
Dude, my girlfriend asked me to give her a midnight waffle, and I realized she just wanted a waffle.
When you are having anal sex on your kitchen next to a plate of waffles, and a donkey busts through the window, allowing the glass to sever your leg. The donkey then proceeds to fuck you in your leg stump.
Person 1: "Why isn't Johnny in for work today?"
Person 2: "He got into a Waffle Donkey situation."
Person 1: "HaHa, classic Johnny!"
The act of taking a nice poo on your partner and smacking it with a tennis racket. Then following that racket beating with a nice blast of semen to syrup it up.
Steve gave me the best Wisconsin Waffle on Friday. I can still smell it!
When Richard makes Leah laugh and spit her breakfast all over the monitor.
"I take hormones so I can lactate and give my cat the feeling of being a kitten again."
"That made me spray waffle just now."
A very sparsely used sexual style, which involves filling every single one of your girls "dimples" with your "syrup"
Jim- "My girlfriend wants to take our relationship to the next level. What should I do.
Random Stranger- " You should try waffle style. Just keep yourself hydrated."
1. A fungal infection of the female nether parts, which forms a distinctive, lattice-like mildew growth between the labial folds, and which smells strongly of overripe camembert cheese.
2. A general insult used in the British Isles to deride any disliked person.
I can't believe Mr. Patterson gave me an F in my assignment. What a complete and utter minge waffle!