You know it DOESN'T suck if it involves me, right? I haven't seen it but if am am involved in any way it's automatically good.
Hym "We're not in Top gun 2 are we?"
Iam "Uuuummm.... I donno. You know I haven't seen it... Wait, you don't want to watch it do you?"
Hym "We might have to... We also might have to watch Plane movie..."
Iam "What? Why?"
Hym "We said plane movies suck and what does this cock sucker do IMMEDIATELY AFTER WE SAID IT?"
Iam "Uh... make a plane movie..."
Hym "AND HE CALLED IT 'PLANE MOVIE'!!! He walked up to us, whipped out his dick, and pissed all over our shoes Iam! Are your socks wet? Is it warm? Do you feel it!? That's his piss!!! Pruning your little toes as we speak!"
Iam "Ew."
Hym "I won't stand for it! It has to be bad... Right? It can't be good... Can it?" *Disgruntled groan*
Iam "I.. I donno man... Just calm down."
Hym "He's mocking us! Get in the car! We're going to redbox!"
Iam *sigh* "Alright..."
When a girl has a kid, Finds a MILF, then the girl and the MILF can call each other mommy and the kid calls both of them mommy. But don't call the kid mommy because that's fucking weird.
Abby is into the 2 and a Half Mommies setup
Fanfiction about the game kindergarten 2 what did you expect
"Hey wanna read some kindergarten 2 fanfiction?"
The second season of the anime The Promised Neverland aka. something that never happened and will hopefully never happen again. The worst thing to ever exist (besides Boruto) and it will never be mentioned again.
Meg: *pulls out gun* You will now be a the promised Neverland season 2
A Roblox game developed by Gusmanak who previously made Apocalypse Rising. The game is an open world zombie survival game where the player searches for items used to kill players and zombies alike. Since Roblox is incompetent, the game has a fair amount of cheaters in it.
I can't wait to get home from my 6th grade class to play Apocalypse Rising 2!
Apocalypse Rising 2, commonly referred to as Apoc 2, AR2, or simply Apoc, was the disappointing and, quite frankly, God awfully boring sequel to the once popular ROBLOX game; Apocalypse Rising. Apocalypse Rising 2 has many dickeaters who still play the game. There is no charm or fun to be had in this game. The charm, fun, memories, and friends from the original game was lost. Many players will convince themselves that the game is fun and they are part of some community even though there is no community, comp scene, or fun to be had. If you have fallen into this hole of perpetual grinding for those outfits with broken spawn rates, or because the first game is dead, I beg of you to go back before it's too late. Stop playing this game. You are wasting your life, staring at a screen, for what? So your character can have some pants which are practically indifferentiable from the other pants you unlocked at the start of the game? This game has sucked since it came out, and everyone knew it was dead before it was "released."
Person: Yo wanna play Apocalypse Rising 2?
Friend: Hell nah that game is ass.
1👍 2👎
When you enter the Pizza Portal hidden somewhere in a Pizza Tower level during Pizza Time.
“LAP 2”