Wow said Kiran to faith you have a fat ass your a big booty joody
When a person has a large stomach/fupa and the persons butt is flat
"Omg that girl is built like gru"
"Ong she has a booty dupe"
Being all anal and rude. Agitated manner of being.
Stop being so booty tight, damn
Why you being booty tight?
Lloyd was acting booty tight when I brought up his ex gf.
The stuff even worse than the stuff that dogs bring in after playing in the yard.
"Geez-louise, look at all that booty storm!"
Kooty booty will find you and tickle your toes at night. Be ware of her she will also be under your bed and sniff your nasty, basty, wasty, rasty, tasty, lasty, casty, bed sheets as she curls her toes.
She can smell your fear (and your moldy booty crack #TakeAShower)
Bro: I seen kootie booty in my closet last night
Kootie booty: shut your large bigger gyatt up pucker up butter cup 😘
A fart so loud and powerful it may blow your head clean off. Can be easily mistaken for a thermonuclear bomb. Can also be abbreviated to NBB.
Guy: *NBBs*
Other Guy: .....(Blown up by Nuclear Booty Burp)