A guy who lost himself many times with a caddie, also a mathematician.
Guy-Aurèle is a very clever guy, however, he lost himself again.
The first question people ask a woman when she comes out as gay. We gay women expect it. After replying “yes”, the conversation usually goes as follows;
“so do you guys like, scissor?”
*sigh* “yes. we do scissor.”
“oh, okay, so like, HOW DOES THAT WORK?”
If she didn't want to leave she would have blindly supported her Jewish overlords- UH, I MEAN... Israel... Yeah, Israel's genocide of the guy they have locked in their basement...
Hym "She CLEARLY wants to leave guys! If she didn't she would have just repeated my talking points over and over like everybody else!"
rejection of material girl, striving for to be like the of
only using what is needed
1. A man or manly-like woman who plays hard to get and overall is a jerk in general.
2. A man or manly-like woman who acts like a immature child for attention or love from others around
1. I liked you but now your just playing Mr Funny Guy.
2. Stop playing Mr Funny Guy for attention its annoying.
A sort of charming response- a discrete excuse- to abdicate responsibility by establishing your recent arrival in the moment, thereby dodging your mistake. Must be said in a swedish accent with a smug smirk.
"Son, aren't you supposed to be studying?"
"Umm... Hello Guys..."
The incorrect spelling of Guy Fieri.
Hey, have you seen this Guy Fieti meme I made? *shows meme*
Uh, dude, you know it’s spelled Guy Fieri right?