Means being with someone and the in the endinig not being with them...
far as me and that last dude he aint right he tryed too get in my mind with all types of shit an he have been n and x
An artist making music in and out of the bedroom with another artist then wash and rinse. Bop then thot.
Kash Doll "I don't be thot'n n bop'n. I keep it chill."
The Scratch N Sniff is an alternative method of scratching your balls. This method requires you to cradle your balls in one hand, while you gently scratch your balls with the other. This method is one of many methods used to scratch a mans balls, one of which is the Pinch and Twist method.
Bro can i scratch your balls?
Nah bro, ive already done the Scratch N Sniff method.
Any drug lined up and inhaled.
she left to go to the bathroom to scratch-n-sniff.
The act in which two gentlemen insert their penis into the opposing ends of a section of pipe, hose, or in the crane industry, firesleeve; and proceed to tug back and forth.
Logan: “I wonder what they’re still doing up there on the crane.”
Elrod: “ Eh, they’re probably doing the ole plug n tug, they’ve been up there quite some time”.
Is that embarrassing moment when the part of your butt plug which is supposed to stay on the outside somehow no longer is on the outside. You now have a full-blown foreign object in your rectum with little remedy to remove it. So now you have to reach in with at least two fingers as deep is required to grab the plug and tug it out of your rectum. Which after the amount of lubricant you used makes it a very slippery process.
I just had to do it it just all of a sudden it was all in there and I just had to man it out and reach in with a few fingers and Plug n Tug on it until it came out.
A variation of tit-fucking where cheddar mac and cheese is used in place of other lubricant.
My girl woke me up at 4am with a Wisconsin Slip-n-Slide in all it's cheesy goodness.