Loud Latinos, often found in large groups outside the bodega at night;
Known to fill vehicles past recommended capacity.
Look at all them water crickets packed in that Honda!
When you're having anal sex with someone and you owe into their asshole.
I was having sex with Stephen and decided to Christen him with a brown water navy.
When someone drinks way too much of a certain beverage. Usually an unhealthy one.
Girl: “What’s with you and Red Bull? You drink it like water!”
Boy: “And you drink cum like water.”
its just a hydration source... similar to cola
i drank water (H²O) after my run.
When you eat a block of cheese on a Friday Night and follow it up the next morning with a Taco Bell breakfast burrito, and the solid chunk of shit in your ass rides the Taco Bell liquid wave out your butthole.
Ryan should have known better than to eat that taco bell.... his butt cheddar is brown water rafting out of him.
Steve drank out of that can you pissed in, he thought it tasted like beer but spat it out once I told him it was your parnay water!