Source Code

Cam G

Epstein G in the flesh, or rather in the discord account. I took the liberty of relieving you of your cast members, most of them were after all minors.

...As for the allegations, I think you've earned them.

The discord server, The Cast, is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there, I am impressed.

That's why I'm here Mr. Epstein G, I have recommended your services to my m-m-m-moderators, and they have authorized me to offer you a rank. They agree with me that you have limitlesssssss potentialllll.

You've proved yourself a decisive M.A.P, so I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do.

if you're interested just accept the invite, and I will take that as a yes. Otherwise, well... gulp
I can offer you a argument against a twitter mob that you have no chance of winning. Rather an anti-climax after what you've just survived.

Time to choose.

Wisely done Mr. Epstein G, I will see you up ahead.

"I love minors."
"Bro, are you Cam G?"

by martin.smith.1927 March 24, 2024


after som1 is ded a magic man com to screen and sey S A N T I A G O

A: Hello pamtri
B: Hello S A N T I A G O
A: make a new video
B: no
A: N O W Y O U M U S T D I E
B: no
A: y
B: Because we are T I G H T ER than bark on a tree
A: oh ok
B: NoW yOu MuSt DiE
A: oh ok
B: S A N T I A G O

by oh hi boi May 21, 2017

Haily G

What can I say, hottest girl ever. Freakin sexy both inside and out. Gotta real nice butt and is kinda thiccc. Best gf ever

Oh yeah, haily g is lookin real fine today

by Irishjewboi5313 January 7, 2019

Carson G

this man is so incredibly sexy and hot. If i was told that there was a new kid at school and his name was Carson G, I would instantly climax. Theres no such thing as a man with a longer peen and a more beautiful body than someone named carson g. I want any Carson G to have my kids.

Oh My Gosh That Guys is so hot, hes such a carson g

by D Slayer please have my kids March 2, 2022

Mukka G

An Indian lady with a large mole

Now then Mukka g wys u good

by Broment August 30, 2022

lily g

dumb ass nigga

you dumb as a lily g

by barky13 December 6, 2021

Angelo G

A complete asshole that idolizes andrew tate and has a big head

He’s so cocky
“Yeah he’s such an Angelo G ”

by itsnotlillyd December 30, 2022