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poop chute

My name is Poop Chute!💖💖💖 Im a bisexual toilet fetish supporter and my pronouns are asshole/anus/anal/rectum and many more that I can count! (which is 4) 💖💖💖

there are gerbils coming out of my poop chute

by cookiebeing February 13, 2022

Poop Chute

Slang for a butthole

Terry loves getting it up her poop chute because it reminds her of her father.

by Pencil Pete February 4, 2020

Portal Poop

Portal Poop: When a college athlete enters the transfer portal in hopes of greener pastures, unfortunately, they never get picked up by a new school and they just sit in the transfer portal forever just like a piece of poop, that no one else will touch.

Former Teammate 1: Have you talked to Gabe lately?

Former Teammate 2: No…. Why?

Former Teammate 1: Gabe is pretty bummed out. He’s been sitting in the transfer portal for three months now and he doesn’t have one offer on the table!

Former Teammate 2: Damn! Well….He has that stink on him. He’s officially portal poop now! Ain’t nobody touching his @ss with a ten foot pole.

by MGTOW Black January 14, 2024

Chuckle poop

It's when your scrolling through your phone while sat on the dunny and you see something that makes you laugh out loud and the motion squeezes a poop out!

Yo dude, I was curling one out on the dunny when you sent that meme through, I laughed so hard at it, I did a chuckle poop

by chiken-lover March 26, 2022


make poop is one of the funniest songs to ever exist and it was used as the background music in corys video:

how to make poop.

so everyone knows how to make poop

and the funniest thing about this song is that it makes:


no just kidding it dosent pee it just make

poop in da traffic

SMP Films - MAKE POOP Is my Favorite Song!

by xX 44100 Xx August 9, 2021

Poop Sock

Basically a sock full of poop that people hide from their moms for example Eric Green

Someone could hide a poop sock from their mom

by puss696969 September 9, 2019

Poop sock

A sock used to defecate into, typically shared amongst siblings during playtime to avoid leaving to use the bathroom. A big mistake that's made is the when children grow up, they don't grow out of the poop sock phase. Either that or the middle child will take the poop sock and smack it against the wall spreading the poop all over the wall.

The youngest: Who has the poop sock? I need to go really badly.
The oldest: I think your big brother took it.
The middle: Guys, emergency! Mom found the poop sock!

by Your brother in Christ April 8, 2023