A pops is a dank and relatable piece of cheese that rots in side the constipated butt of a dead rat. But besides that she is a dope bread muffin
Hey pops your so cool and smelly
Person 1: that bitch Kevin is pissing me off, I might have to pop him
Person 2: sometimes you just gotta pop a body
A pop is term used to describe any person who, knowingly or unknowingly, upholds the principles of hierarchy, most commonly referring to patriarchy.
"Brent just told me that he thinks she was 'asking for it'. He's such a yucky pop!"
Friend 1: "I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me."
Friend 2: "Wow that was an awesome POP!"
pops is navteshwars dad who likes to get naughty and freaky
pops was getting naughty and freaky with dave
A name for your father, the man who helped birth you . Meant with affection and love. Someone every girl should go talk to about how she is feeling. a Pops is always there foe you no matter what.
DAUGHTER: Pops, I love you
DAD: I love you too sweetie.
pop - shure pop Someone who's sweet and nice
Boy: Oh wow that girl is such a pop