The supreme lord of America who wants to build a wall to secure his castle so he can finally focus on becoming a full orange and using his ultimate power to delete China and trap all of the silly silly libtards in a safe corner prison.
Emperor Trump is not pleased with you Obama.
Trumped leadership theory is based off the idea of influence through power and a high concern for productivity.
Being able to establish 'Trumped Leadership Theory' means ones is a successful leader who attains or exceeds their goals and has a sense of full control through implementing clarified processes and being the sole decision maker.
When some Trumpreneurs are entertaining the idea of making the Pinocchio-in-Chief’s manifold lies available on Spotify in different music or podcast formats so that they sound pleasing or soothing to the ears of millions of ultra-MAGA cult members.
Guesstimate how much royalty creators could be raking in every month by Spotifying Trump’s lies in different languages.
When at the urinal and shaking off the last of the pee of the tip of a cock.
Donald trump trickled all over the U.S.
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When you are foraging for wild mushrooms and you come across a tiny, sad shriveled & dehydrated mushroom. You feel saddened and decide to urinate on it to help hydrate it.
I had to do a Trump Trickle on the mica cap mushroom because it looked so small, shriveled & sad.
Bob, lets grab the wives by their Trump Handles and go out tonight.
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