An old man, similar to a sugar daddy, except he has a diet bank account, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
“What would $40 bucks get an old man like me with a girl like you? I also got a bottle of scotch, and a room at a motel 6. Let me be your Splenda daddy”
A person that follows in the older generations foot steps without questioning it or adding anything of there own. The individual targeted with the parrot daddy is usually because the knowledge of the topic from the older generation was accurate and efficient. They know attempts to improve it results in overthinking and over-complications. Parrot Daddy is generally used by those infected with millennial narcissism targeting those older and wiser. The Target knows it is an attempted slap in the face, but takes it as a compliment.
He is using the old Unix commands from the command line, when he could totally be using the GUI!?!? What a parrot daddy.
A person that can takes any mans girl from them,has good tongue game,good at basketball,a stud,and loyal
I am Daddy Dutt
A diligent guy who pounds in tent stakes and adjust gui lines even when storm winds are blowing in the middle of the night.
That storm was blowing last night but my reliable tent daddy William kept our shelter from blowing away!
the funniest man on urban dictionary to exist, absolutely LOVES dexters and ABHORS axels.
"Wait! That guy just punched my friend Axel!"
"Oh that guy is a Dexter Daddy!"
A dad who beats you with a pack of cigarettes
John: Hey, get on Skype.
Burphy: No, my Spack Daddy is giving me some shit with his packs right now.
John: Damn.. You didn't know?
Burphy: Nah man. Fuck you
A sub-species of Sugar Daddy that can often be spotted in the Lower East Side of Manhattan or Orange County, CA.
My Jewgar daddy drinks old scout and redbull before the Bruno Mars concert.