Intelligent, enlightened, curious, funny, childlike, crude, affectionate, smart, manipulative, brilliant, cunning, ignorant, loving, friendliest man you'll ever meet.
John Hopkin is super sensitive
the embodiment of the smallest man who ever lived by Taylor swift especially from the time stamps 2:03-4:04
“Yo! did you hear Taylor swift’s new song the smallest man who ever lived? I swear Nathan John Cronin is the embodiment of that song it’s sounds exactly like him!”
“I know especially from the 2 minuet mark, he also makes me think of exile, tolerate it, Coney Island and sad beautiful tragic! Shame he wouldn’t understand it he will have to ask his hoes on wizz.”
He’s usually called gayboy69 and pretty obvious epic gamer
Wow john(epic gamer) getting all the pussy, must have been the fortnite he’s been recently playing
The common village idiot... he nonces kiddies
Oh... it's John Semple walking into the nursery again...
Walking With John is one of the best YouTube channels out there.
A nice and loving guy. The best man a woman could ever find. The guy who means the world to you.
John Wayne Delcamp will you marry me?