A condition manifested as a set of spasmodic muscle contractions and gleeful body movements caused mainly by classic rock songs that evoke nostalgia and can cause involuntary shaking, swinging, leg-bouncing, knee-slapping, head-jerking, fist-pumping, and generally rhythmic movements in tune with a favorite classic rock song. Also known as Chair-Dancing.
Wow, the new guy is going all rock-spastic over there at his desk, he must be listening to some classic rock on his headphones.
Dave wrecked that sweet-ass Chevy when he went all rock-spastic over some Pure Prairie League song.
A male that ingages in the act of sucking on another males testicles by rotating them around in his mouth during oral sex for the pleasure of the other male.
That boy is a dirty rock polisher, his dad caught him polishing another dudes rocks in his room.
To attack or injure (often as a result of friendly play) someone who is unprepared for an assault.
"Oh my god did you see that guy get sneaky-rocked by that foul ball?"
"My roommate used my deodorant again so I sneaky-rocked him in the head when he got home from work."
When someone compares you to a rock, thereby ruining all potential chances at friendship and/or a romantic relationship. The worst of all situations to be in.
Poor Eden was rock-zoned by Caligula today.
The rock where you smoke bali highs at in high school and share gossip.
Ashley didn’t know how to make smoking rock a scavenger hunt clue so she added it to urban dictionary.
To have people/friends expose your love for someone on a streaming site