Most Beautiful jewels that one can see in a crowd full of people that may or may not be staring into your soul while saying they hate you those eyes may or may not like or even love being with you
You got sweet tanishka eyes
A term coined by Alan Sugar. Meaning to make an ordinary product look like it has something special about it, even if it doesn't. A good example is a Stereo or Hi-Fi that has a lot of lights and dials to make it look advanced, when the actual quality isn't there.
"Just bought a flashy new stereo, but the sound quality is mediocre. It's a real mug's eyeful"
One and a half eyes is two eyes that are close enough together that you can't tell if the person has one eye or two full eyes.
That guy did outsmoke you every time you got high with him, but he ended up permanently cross eyed, with about an eye and a half.
A quiet expression of intimacy, when one can see through the eyes of another.
To explain the synchronicity of vision, he simply offered, "Well, my dear, I really can see through your eyes". Slowly, she began to accept that it might be true, even though they had never met.
A TikTok copypasta that usually appears in the comments of an unnerving, distressing, or scary video. Users may comment this when feeling uncomfortable or uneasy watching the video.
*scary video pops up on FYP*
@xoxo.cacagirl: I'm sorry for looking into your eyes without permission.
Nessan the Duke of 400 AD had three sons, and named a monastery in their honor. the monastery is on the island called Ireland's Eye. The name of the island is 'Inis Mac Neasain' or the 'Island of the sons of Nessan', the monastery has the same name in Gaelic.
The monastery is good craic for a quick visit during the summer. Not a huge amount there today but an interesting place all the same.
Dave: Did you go to Howth and see Ireland's Eye?
Kevin: Yeah it was good fun, I enjoyed the Island of Ireland's Eye
The look Reagan Brady gives to minority’s because she believes she is superior.
Ethan: Hey do you want to get something to eat?
Reagan: Shut the fuck up (while using her plantation eyes and looking like she wants to pull out a whip and take it back to the 19th century).