April 29th is hot water day! It is a day you spend appreciating your hot water.
‘Hey did you know today is Hot water day?’
‘Is it really?’
‘Yeah, its April 29th today. Would you like to spend hot water day with me?’
‘Sure i would love too’
When someone you see is so basic yet so absolutely hot that they're off the stack/unique in how basic they are.
Isabella: hey my look at this photo of my friend
Fernando: oh my god. Shes like a water from walmart off the stack
Isabella: what the fuck does that even mean
Using pre-written prompts or cheat codes to help you perform well at something like an exam, speech, GTA or penalty shootout. Potentially written on your hand, sleeve, scrap of paper or water bottle.
Jenkins: "What ho Pembo!"
Pembo: "What ho!"
Jenkins: "I say Pembo, how did you manage to ace that Latin exam? You never study."
Pembo (tapping the side of his nose): "Pickford's Water Bottle, Old Chap!"