When you date a girl for 3 days and then get dumped.
3 days Is when kid dated a girl for three days then got dumped .
A guy i totally ship with every girl i wanna fuck him so bad
rocky marcel nelson 3 is so hot he should fuck everyone
I heart my gf means that you love your gf
me: I heart D <3
you: I heart D <3 also
When its third of December and you need to give your girlfriend/ side-hoe a sweater or hoodie, she must give you sloppy toppy, as written in Law 34. of Section 7
Gf: Hey bae its Dec 3, you know what that means?
Bf: You get a sweater and i get head 🤝
When a man is struggling for an erection and gets partially there. Not too hard, not too soft. Not enough to have sex.
Babe, I’m sorry. It’s a 3/4 squishy. I’m so close. Maybe suck on me a little?
when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals
`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word
The 3 eyed dildo is very expensive if you spent all your money on donating to Belle Delphine's OnlyFans spending almost £40 just to look at naked gamer girl pictures.
Leah: Hey girrrrl, you heard about that 3 Eyed Dildo? I might ask my boyfriend to get me one or i can just take his phone and use his card so he think's he lost his phone and it went under the bed. Well who cares if it's the same as every dildo at least I can show off!