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when you g

its when you g

when you g you have surpassed all life forms and have achieved manhood

by henrystreit01 March 2, 2021

2👍 2👎

Green G

A name for Marijuana. Often used instead of "weed" in places where the substance is still illegal in order to not alert cops.

"I smoked that green G yesterday and ended up flying through the galaxy".

by NOUSERNAMELEFT October 12, 2023

fuckin(g) narc

an uncool person, annoying ass, an over all dick, someone who you feel would tattle on you, if you're looking this up its probably you :)

Don't be a fuckin(g) narc Jimmy!
Why are you sitting in my seat you fuckin(g) narc!!!
She's a fuckin(g) narc!

by fuzzysoxchick September 22, 2017

Grip G

Grip G —- $1000

Hoes bent me over fo’ a grip g when my sled took a shit on me.

by Qdogg locs April 16, 2021

V. V. R. G

Vitasterländska Rika Gubbar

Varför har USA bara V. V. R. G som presidenter

by Coffeeinthemorning69 October 14, 2020

V. V. R. G

Vitasterländska rika gubbar

Varför är The bara V. V. R. G som blir president i usa

by Coffeeinthemorning69 October 14, 2020

Top G

Minh Ho

A: y’all heard of Minh Ho?
B: nah who’s that?
A: Bro it’s the fuckin Top G

by July 12, 2022