The act of shooting a pregnant girl in the stomach with a shotgun, killing her and the fetus
Just shot a pregnant lady in the stomach, call that plan D
Jason .D. davis jr
Jason is a nice, funny, and cute, man with a split personality there are for sides.
1. devil - devil Is a women who don't care about men but instead women she can be bad wen mad and she is born in heaven and has angle wings.
2.angle - angle is born in hell he is evil, cute, and funny, and is adored by women he has devil wing to.
3. dangle - dangle is a gender changer has 1 side devil 1 side angle and is bi.
4. Jason - Jason is a very kind hearted person. He can be shy at many times and you think he's a total creep until you really get to know him. He is crushing on this one girl that he can't possibly get over. He is very loyal and would sacrifice everything for his friends and family. His thoughts in his head keep killing him and killing him. He also sometimes overthink things. He jokes around a lot but can be very serious when needed. You might not tell from his outside but he is a very smart person. He doesn't like crowds and lots of people. He is more of a simple yet hard to understand person. No one in the world would ever begin to figure out what is in his thoughts. Jason in a wonderful man. and is often called JJ and is a GOD and is a cuzin of death, Jesus, and the devil him self.
Ann - hay is that Jason .D. Davis jr?
Jim - oh you mean JJ ya thats him and I herd men like him are rear.
karma - hm.
ann - karma no!
karma - karma yes.
JJ - wut going on.
When you lay your eyes off a person for one second and they're under the stage about to kiss the blast zone.
Now how are we under the stage? Another Sig D I assume?
A person who is so kind so thoughtful yet so indecisive. An over_thinker who is scared of the other's opinions, but still has a good heart. If u r looking for fun ayoub is the one. He is weird but somehow his weirdness makes sense.
Are u looking for having some good time go to ayoub d weirdo.
The act of taking too much viagra therefore causing a prolonged erection
Doctor: "and what was your last oral intake Jimmie?"
Jimmie: "well I took some viagra."
Doctor: "it seems to be that your diagnosis is a case of zero gravi-d"
Michael 'Hi Steve Why Are You Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road?'
S t e v e 'R O A D I S R O A D'