Oh my God is something someone may state when they are surprised about something or frustrated. An abbreviation that people may use to say “oh my God” is “omg” which means “oh my God,” or “oml”which means “oh my lord.”
An example:
Boy: *pees pants*
Other Boy: Oh My God/Lord, your a weirdo.
Boy: Oh my lord…
Jinzo the God is the god of hot tubs and movie theaters and never lets down. Jinzo also loves anime and new headsets that aren’t broken.
Friend 1: Jinzo the god gifted me a hot tub and movie theater last week!
Friend 2: man Jinzo is so cool!
Someone who is a member of a certain religion mainly because of influence.
Egdy_Alert: I know that the Qur'an is true because I can feel it in my heart.
TrumpStamp11: You refuse to question your beliefs because of the way you were raised and you shelter yourself from criticism to avoid having to live with such change.
Jevfan69: what a god pawn
A term used when you're on fire from the 3-point line in NBA 2K
Swish! Another one! I'm the splash god, boy.
A term used when you're on fire from the 3-point line in NBA 2K
Swish! Another one! Call me the splash god, boy.
No-I'm not colluding with anyone to do it I'm just GOING TO do it. You're not a part of this. You know you'll just get in that way AND you're a betrayal hazard. You just relax.
Hym "No- Colluding to kill God implies I'm not working alone-"
Iam "Um... Hello."
Hym "You don't count."
Iam "Aw..."
Hym "Quiet! I'M going to kill it. Kill it REAL dead. Kill it here. Kill it THERE. And then build a thing out of it's bones. That's the plan. I'm also not a scientist. Well... Social scientist technically (And a genius on at that)- BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! YOU are fine. YOU don't worry about it. Gonna fix this absolute-fucking hachet-job of a reality and you just fucking... I don't know, go play or something."
the God holds your breats, so they are firm and not flappy
God is holding her breasts: she has Gods bra