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3AM Papa Johns

The time of the night where you smoke all the remaining weed while ordering Papa Johns on the phone.

Dude its time for 3AM Papa Johns,Im so excited.

by FuckThePolice March 14, 2017

John Callahan

One of the best teachers you would ever have at Staten Island Technical High School. Pray to the Lord Buddha Allah Christ that you get him for your Russian teacher. Just don't sleep or be late for his class because it means смерть (death)!

Bob: You in tech right? Who do you have for Russian?
Jimmy: John Callahan
Bob: Lucky Bastard


John Anderson

He has the biggest cock, it can never be contested, he knows where all the whores in Gaia are at any point in time and is constantly on his way to have constant sex with all the women

John Anderson is the biggest Chad in Gaia.

by Agony Invision July 17, 2022

Farmer john

Highly respected womanizer

Rips for days and never gets caught
Rios in class and no one suspects a thing

Did u see farmer john in class rippin he’s such s retard

by Porta john February 15, 2019

john west

{john west} a name that comes with a heavy weight for having quite a thick penis and quite the reputation

{john west} once shoved his penis into half of Los Angeles and got away with it before the me too movement

by bigdabs420707 December 6, 2018

John West

Your typical Texas redneck idiot that is in love with guns, drives a big truck, smokes Marlboro Reds, and still flies the Rebel Flag. May also inbreed.

Look at this John West mother fucker right here. Eww gross, he's making out with his cousin.

by Mr. Fart Stink January 23, 2019

John Shea Method

Do whatever you want, but it must work

I used the John Shea Method to pass my test.

by The Beast (The Real One) October 20, 2021