A wealthy single man, who is a target for poor lonely single women, seeking financial comfort via romance.
I heard he's divorced! That makes him my next green prince! I'm gonna romance my way into his wallet.
the act of honking your car's horn at the car in front of your when they're caught snoozing when a stoplight turns green.
Ex 1: I green light goosed somebody so hard yesterday, they did a burn out!
Ex 2: Dude, green light goose that Toyota in front of you!
Smoking some green while cruising in a car. Preferably a new car, to get the smell 'burned' in.
"Hey Christy, want to go for a green cruise in my new car?"
Bitch ass virgin with a 2 inch dick (gay for carter hasket)
Tanner green is so bad at baseball he couldn’t even make the team.
Terminology for profits made from cannabis sales.
Farmers are riding the green gravy machine to a better future.
the act of putting a layer of fresh green weed on top of an already-hit bowl, giving someone the impression that they're hitting the green
"I swear I just saw brandon sprinkle green on that bowl he's smoking, then hand it to me and said I had green"
"Yeah bro he gave you that fool's green"
An intangible “it” factor of something that is sweet for one’s soul
That guy moves with some sort of green grum; he’s so smooth!