A woman that dates men who need fixed/ is good at persuading a man to do the right thing
Your girl is a bro whisperer ,bro.
Similar to the game soggy waffle. Once the first male falls asleep it is the duty of all present men to jerk off until completion and finish on the bros face.
Dude, Josh is asleep. That means it’s time for coating the bro
A term used when someone absolutely excels at something, leaving everyone impressed. It’s like watching someone dominate a task and come out on top with flying colors
"Did you see Qiao En’s presentation today? Bro cooked hard—10/10, no cap."
A mixture of "trad" (as in traditional) and "Chad." Has a strong focus on "traditional western values" such as eating red meat, abolishing porn, praying, finding a submissive wif, and sucking other dude's dicks in secret. Usually an incel that refuses to accept that they can't get laid; Instead they blame it on women having individuality.
That Chrad bro invited me to his nutsack tanning party after the raw liver buffet and the Jordan Peterson movie screening, and he asked me to stay the night since his wife left him for mentally abusing her
The kinda frat boys that are exclusively business majors, and/or have a stock market obsession. Their favorite pastime is mansplaining stocks
If you have one you'll know. Your Maximus Bro is the broiest bro you have and when you're together it's time to fuck shit up and party. Class dismissed.
Bro 1: hey bro, what's up
Bro 2: not much. High five?
Bro 1: fuck yeah mofo.
*SMACK* (Earth stopping five between two Maximus bros)
The only decent game Atlus has ever made
Pedophile: Dude, have you played Persona 5? It's my favorite game.
Contributer to society: ew, talk to me after you get bitches from playing Jack Bros.