The deepest, darkest, most unfathomable unspeakable underbelly of human depravity. I.e. where memes come from.
Dude, I’m pretty sure all these memes came from someone’s freak-hole.
When you fuck a girl in the ass so long and so hard you have to go to the emergency room to get a piece of corn removed from your pee hole.
My wife corn holed me in Milwaukee.
A person that is such a tool, the change in any situation just fit in...
That Bob is such a "tool hole" he showed up to this party and wasn't invited!
A Fox Hole is a den in which furries typically tend to gather and converge. It can be sexual in nature or quaintly friend-zoned such as any Smash tournament.
Last week Tom and I watched a body of the furry come out of that humid Fox Hole, too much fur and K and is bad for anyone, " add whips" Tom said " and your liable for a few heat-strokes"
Where you piss in a girl's ass and then lap the piss shit mixture from her asshole.
Person 1; I gave a girl a Texas Watering Hole last night.
Person 2; Nice
A place where someone feels like they could die.
Usually is used negatively to express that they are so afraid of something that they feel like they could die if they stayed there.
Person 1:I hate hotels.. I think it's my death hole
Person 2:Yeah, they are so gross.. I heard some don't change the seats.
A person who likes to shove their finger in your ass hole.
“Jenny, can I be a caca booty hole?”