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Your too hype over someone or something.

You mad joe nigga

by Shy Blizzy February 23, 2020


Someone who is consistently last alive in a video game. Also refers to someone who baits their teammates.

Stop being a Joe and enter the building.

by GoobyDN September 20, 2023


The unkown person who is brought up in conversations normally followed by the question "who's joe?" At that point the asker of joe has fucked up

Watch out for joe!

Who's how?


by xXel_papa_de_los_PollitosXx October 13, 2019


Someone with soup for brain and a python for a cock

Person 1: Did you see Joe fuck that cactus?
Person 2: Do you mean Joey?
Person 1: No i specifically mean Joe
Person 2: oh I didn’t see that…. Oh wait I can see the wet spot where his brain leaked out a bit
Person 1: I thought a snake was about to get him but it was just his massive cock.
Person 2: pause bro

by Snoopjoey January 4, 2024


joe is a very funny and smart person he is also really tall he is an amazing singer and has a great personality he is an honest and encouraging friend he will always stay true and is loyal in every way

joe is a really good friend and he has an amazing personality

by sydneyfaletulu5110 June 12, 2022


Joe is a Keter class SCP that resides in the foundation Site - REDACTED. SCP REDACTED is a anomaly that i the cause of many fatalities around the world. It containment is made with lithium and sound proof walls along with the floors. "Joe" is SCP REDACTED's nickname, as it says this when hunting prey. During a hunt, "Joe" will target the nearest living being or human, and will transform as a friend or family. It will then proceed to ask a simple question, "Do you Joe is?" The prey will be forced to respond with "Who's Joe?" SCP Joe will respond with, "Joe mama" and the prey will be eradicated from existence. SCP Joe requires to be put underground in Site REDACTED and far enough that no sound can ever get through.


SCP Joe requires the following:

Ear protection

Sound proof walls


SCP Joe will attack if provoked when hunting or not. It targets head protection as that covers how it hunts prey.

Joe: Hey!

Victim: Hi!

Joe: By any chance, do you know who Joe is?

Victim Who's Joe?

Joe: Joe mama

*distant screaming*

by NoWhyWhatWhoCares September 3, 2021


Now, you're here because someone said, do you like Joe? Or, Did you know Joe has ligma? Well, J wanna say,

jOe mAmA nOoB

Person 1: bro did u know Joe has ligma?
Person 2: what's li-
Person 2 thoughts: WAIT! He's gonna say ligma toilet, so I'll just ask who's Joe!
Person 2: Who's Joe?
Person 1: Joe mama

by Mia the tall person November 1, 2019