A eference to sodomy. The butt cheeks look like the ears of a corn. When sodomizing someone, a penis must be inserted between the butt cheeks, thus making a hole between the corn ears. Corn holing.
Our politicians have been corn holing us for years with high taxes and tax dollar giveaways to their rich friends.
The feeling of the poop approaching the edge of the anus or the feeling of the poop exiting your butthole (occasionally feeling like a corncob exiting the anal canal).
Corn-holing is usually preceded by warm dry farts. You know you are corn-holing when you have to squench your anus midfart to stop the corn-holing butt log.
Synonym for "turtle necking" or "prarie dogging"
Tom questioned if he would make it to the restroom in time as his poop had been corn-holing for a full minute as he ran. "I'm corn-holing!" He yelled as he ran past Jandis and into the restroom.
when someone spider- crawls up the wall of a stall in a public bathroom, pulls down their pants, aims for the toilet bowl, and shits down into it
(even more entertaining if you have diarrhea)
person #1: why is the bathroom closed for cleaning?
person #2: someone tried corn-holing into the toilet when they had a major case of the shits.
That moment when nature calls, and in a split second you find yourself holding onto the bowl, praying that this "muddy mess" will be over soon. (AKA a massive, normally watery, dookie)
Big bad Blake: can little jimmy come out to play?
Jimmy's mom: jimmy big bad Blake is here to play.
Jimmy: mom I ate too many hot wings and I'm blowing my hole all on the porcelain throne.
A: Yo bitch, why are you so slow?
B: Cock your hole, my bag is heavy.
the hole in the neck that you get from smoking
yooo bro she has a fifth hole no way