The mispronounciation of the least cooler set of words Nicka noodle.
Fat man: N-word Nooodle(vine boom), N-word Noodle(vine boom), N-WORD NOODLE (vine boom)(comsuption of a large amount of ramen noodles.
When a guy hits the Ass and Pussy on a Girl!!! We say he got his A&P Cert!! From the Aircraft Maintenance A&P Certificate!!! Qualified, yeah!!
"Tod got his A n P Cert from the girl last nite!!""
The act of not eating til you made enough money that day.
“I gotta stack n starve, I need money so I’m going eat later.”
Brendan N is known to say your a mean person. Whether they are lying or tricking you.
Your a Brendan N, that was pretty messed.
A clothing brand usually worn by hypebeasts
A phrase use to shorten the story of a condom ripping them you dipping
Yo I was dripping with my rip n dip on
Yo last night I ended up being a rip n dip night
Cut N Chat with is a Haircutting talk show on the web that features men having discussions about current affairs or world issues such as the latest technologies and politics.
I heard about the release of the new Iphone XI while watching the Cut N Chat show earlier today.
a annoying word to say after someone says something
friend: bread sucks
other friend: A N D ?