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Echoes of the Eye

You should play the dlc of Outer Wilds after beating the main game.


by niggywiggie February 25, 2024

eye swiper

Person usually white who runs their eyes or swipes their eyes in the presence of Asian people. This is probably the most arrogant racist gesture typically displayed but nonetheless it exists

Driving down the highway I encounter a band of eye swipers

by Pdpmagi October 31, 2015

Baker Eyes

A person who has the eyes and spirit of a true baker.

“that milf has some beautiful baker eyes I bet you she can make a kickass pecan pie!”

by Bakereyes4ever January 15, 2020

apple's eye

Another word for vagina.

She has a beautiful apple's eye.

by Marine Ghost July 6, 2017

Refrigerator eyes

Overlooking the obvious. It's when you're searching everywhere in the refrigerator for the milk, only to fail to notice that it's right in front of you.

1. "I can't find my keys."

"Hey Refrigerator eyes, they are in your hand."
2. Looking for your sunglasses when they are perched on top of your head.
3. Trying to find a pen to write with while it's already in your pocket.
4. Looking for your phone while talking on it and not realizing it's in your hand.

by jawa nomad February 19, 2024

pitch eye

To keep a keen eye on, to watch very closely.

You better keep a pitch eye on him. He's inching toward the door.

by J'doe March 23, 2015

eye drop crush

A crush you don't wish to pursue. Either because you know it wouldn't be a good match or because they already have someone else. So you are happy just looking at them occasionally like eye drops that fill your eyes, but do nothing other than that.

A: Hey, you've been giving them looks for a while, will you ask them out
B: No, they're just an eye drop crush.

by 4u4u6a April 26, 2023