The time period in which a homosapien is alive. Filled to the brim with suicidal definitions on Urban Dictionary.
A place we are living through bodies god gave us, followed by heaven or hell after dying.
James : Man, my life is so hard I can't take this anymore!!
Emma : Don't worry, I'll kill you in a moment or two so you don't have to worry about work anymore.
life is a series of train wrecks with short commercial breaks of happiness in the middle of it.
Deadpool - 2016
hey have you heard about "life?" Yeah i think so aren't we kind of living in it
A very dangerous and contagious disease transmitted by sexual activity. The symptoms are pain, suffering and existential crisis. The disease is treated in a process called "death". The process can be performed with the help of doctors but the process can also be performed independently. Also the disease can disappear on its own after a few years (depending on what type of spicies the transmitters were).
O no! My son has life! Quick, take him to the hospital!!
Stay Healthy, Be Fit and Die anyways
Dude #1-Hey bro you are so fit
Dude #2 -Yeah but Life is happening
Dude #1-Aw man that is a bummer