The Latin phrase “omne trium perfectum” means that every set of three is complete. A Creative Pragmatist will apply this to outfit composition; when you have selected three key items, the destination has been reached.
Person 1: I think i’m missing something, my outfit doesn’t feel complete.
Person 2: You’re not thinking of the Rule of 3, you need to have 3 components in an outfit and you only have 2. Try a pop of color for your shoe!
1👍 1👎
A class of students of funny but crazy people like me. It becomes crazy and uncontrollable during lunchtime, which is very chaotic. And if a teacher comes in, everybody starts to talk about caviar.
Owen: ##### #### ##### ###
Deen and Emmanuel laughing so hard that their stomachs are actually hurting
Aadhya and Amber goes into washroom with two other girls in another class
Angelo T-Posing at people outside
Alex: Broski what's happening in Division 3/ Div. 3?
Ps Liam wrote his own line.
To take something meant to keep you partying all night long, go it hard as fuck for 3 minutes and proceed to pass out for 4 hours while still wearing training wheels. Can also include finishing a dj set and in the final 3 minutes proceed to pass out by face planting on the turntables.
Potter popped, and 3 minutes later asked for a quiet place to sleep because he would wake up when it kicked in. 4 hours later he woke up still wearing his training wheels. Man that dude knows how to rock out a 3 minute rage.
a place of worship where every Sunday we collectively come together and express why we have become that tad more autistic in the past week and obviously become a tad more autistic
Oh lets go and have some fun by racing BRL Tier 3
Dave: that shit is autistic as fuck but lets try anyway
In the game of siege the plat 3 is very cocky and will most likely wide swing every chance they get they say they can get to diamond the same season but probably can't but there's always that diamond/champion smurf that carries with 15 kills if on console they'll always complain about m and k but really it's just a guy with a high sens also there's the carried gold that is really a g2 or g1 that drops 3 or 4 kills but never actually that much
Plat 3 is the most cocky rank in rainbow 6 siege
The 3 amedams are student doing lot of crazy and stupid things. There are 6 of them they are really amedams they look like ameds they are like the 3 musketeers.
when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals
`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word