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An egirl is a girl who is emo asf. She likes to wear over dramatic black eyeshadow, eyeliner and black lipstick. She is usually a depressed try hard who posts cringey videos on TikTok and Instagram

Micha: Lilith is such an E-Girl with her dramatic makeup!

by ratthefat December 15, 2019


E-girls infiltrate digital spaces filled with thirsty men ( such as Twitch, League of Legends, Fortnite etc) because they crave male attention. They crave the attention so hard that being the only girl surrounded by thirsty virgin men doesn't provide them with enough of it so they'll dye their hair in multiple colors and put on a shitload of make-up to draw as much attention towards them as they possibly can. Despite being overt attention seeking whores they try as hard as they can to preserve a cute and innocent image so their virgin victims can relate to them.

Excesses of E-girl syndrome can be found in twich streamers like Pokimane.

"I love Pokimane so much I donated my entire life savings to her"
-"Bro she's an ugly E-girl and ur a SIMP"

by TheBlackChimp May 8, 2021

E girl

wannabe idiot little girls on instagram

dude im in love with a e girl i never met in person before

by oopsdidthatoffendyou March 2, 2020


Basically an upgraded hoe, but she only exists online. Wears a striped long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve shirt. Usually wears chains and draws eyeliner hearts under her eyes.

Did you see that e-girl on TikTok? She’s such a hoe.

by aNuke September 23, 2019


A girl who dates on the internet instead of Irl

friend: "wow, I didn't know you were an E-girl!
friend: "Maybe i will try to get an E-boy!"

by ThatNigletGraceSKSKSKK December 17, 2019


A girl on the internet

"That stupid e-girl should log off"

by julesman1377 June 19, 2020


Mostly white girls that pretend to be bisexual for attention. Usually have bangs or split dye hair. Either glorify drug addiction, glorify suicidal thoughts by posting online, or say the n word.

Oh no here comes another e-girl.

by Pizzaman420 February 1, 2021