National annoy your crush day.
“Oh it’s October 24th, I have to annoy her..!”
Puch your tallest friend in the balls
Puch the fuck out of him on October 24
Its no homo day. Do anything to the same gender as you without saying no homo cause its no homo day!!!
Girl 1: Hey, your kinda cute ;)
Girl 2: Why did you say that?
Girl 1: Cause its October 24 and no homo day!
All girls, dress up like a dude!
Hi, its october 24. Lets be dudes
On this day you have to tell your crush you like them
Me:today is October 24
My friend:yah and??
Me:I'm going to tell my crush I like them
Give your friend that starts with an R money but if they owe you they don’t anymore
Hey Robert you owe me $5
Robert: it’s October 24 not anymore
you will get good luck for the rest of ur life if you follow @zayan_bari on instagram for luck for the rest of your life if you unfollow your life will be hell
a guy:“why are you getting such good lucky?”
me:”coz it’s the october 24th,when you follow @zayan_bari on instagram you will get good luck for the rest of your life, when you unfollow him your life will be hell”